Sunday, March 18, 2012

A good article from New York Times: Why Bilinguals Are Smarter


  1. Being bilingual, it turns out, makes you smarter.
  2. Bilinguals seem to be more adept than monolinguals at solving certain kinds of mental puzzles.
  3. Bilingual experience improves the brain’s so-called executive function. These processes include ignoring distractions to stay focused, switching attention willfully from one thing to another and holding information in mind — like remembering a sequence of directions while driving.
  4. The key difference between bilinguals and monolinguals may be more basic: a heightened ability to monitor the environment.
  5. Individuals with a higher degree of bilingualism were more resistant than others to the onset of dementia and other symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease

See full article: Why Bilinguals Are Smarter